Thursday, 5 January 2012

Key Terms

Convergence: The coming together or multimedia digital data technologies allowing words, audio, video, graphics and animation to be linked and routed together via broadband to create two-way communications. The idea being to produce, distribute and share.

Synergy: Similar to convergence but used to describe how companies can pool their resources and exploit products in different markets.

Institution: Refers to the companies and organisations that provide media content and involves understanding of media as business.

This refers to the way in which people engage with the media. The new digital media: convergence, user-created content and social networking have transformed the audience from a traditional ‘mass’ into a ‘fragmented’ definition.

Recording music.

Promoting music and getting it into shops, on the radio and download for payment.

Consumption- People buying C.D’s, downloading music, paying for live concert tickets and purchasing related products.

Vertical Integration: Where a media company profits from all aspects of production, distribution and consumption.

Cross Media Ownership:
The record company for your case study can be a mainstream major company, a multinational or an independent company.
There are the ‘Big Three’- Sony/BMG, Warner Bros. Universal. But you need to compare and contrast these with smaller independent labels and music organisations, the music industry is much more open in this respect, with many small labels that contribute to around 20% of the market.

Major Record Label:
There are the ‘Big Three’- Sony/BMG, Warner Bros. Universal.

Subsidiary Label:
A less important than but related or supplementary to label.

Indipendant Label:
An independent record label (or indie record label) is a record label operating without the funding of or outside the organizations of the major record labels.

Niche Audience:
It would be a small, select group of people that have a very unique interest.

Mainstream Audience:
Mainstream is the uncontroversial and accepted beliefs and values of the majority of the population. Mainstream music is generally chart music.

A base of people that support a certain genre or style of thing.

Active Audiences:
Audiences that are currenlt around now and are targetable.

someone who apprechiates hig phidelity recordings.

Early Adopters:
An early adopter is a person who embraces new technology before most other people do.

The using up of a resource.

Web 2.0:
Web 2.0 (or Web 2) is the popular term for advanced Internet technology and applications including blogs, wikis, RSS and social bookmarking.

Meta tags are HTML codes that are inserted into the header on a web page, after the title tag. Meta tags can be used to indicate the location a business serves.

Copy (data) from one computer system to another or to a disk. The act or process of copying data in such a way.

Streaming video is content sent in compressed form over the Internet and displayed by the viewer in real time.

Peer to Peer:
Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing or networking is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads among peers.

A similar practice in other contexts, esp. Hijacking. The term of piracy is generally used to describe the deliberate infringement of copyright on a commercial scale.

Act of making on a greatly reduced scale.

Multitrack recording (also known as multitracking or just tracking for short) is a method of sound recording that allows for the separate recording of multiple sound sources to create a cohesive whole.

The act, process, or technique of selecting an appropriate sample.
A small portion, piece, or segment selected as a sample.

Digital Audio Workstation (DAW):
A digital audio workstation (DAW) is an electronic system designed solely or primarily for recording, editing and playing back digital audio.

A&R -Artists and Repertoire:
Artists and repertoire (A&R) is the division of a record label that is responsible for talent scouting and overseeing the artistic development of recording artists. It also acts as a liaison between artists and the record label.

Record Deal -contract- royalties:
Royalties are usage-based payments made by one party (the "licensee") to another (the "licensor") for the right to ongoing use of an asset.

The action of sharing something out among a number of recipients.
The way in which something is shared out among a group or spread over an area.

The action or business of promoting and selling products or services.

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